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Tube Magnetic Separator

Name: Tube Magnetic Separator

Construction: Stainless Steel (SS316) + Neodymium Magnet N50SH

Field: 1200Gs (+/- 150Gs)

Dimension: D32x1200,mm



    product detail

    Clients ask for a more efficient separation way, we solved the design with an inspiration from "String Magnet".



    This magnetic separation rod is developed to remove metal particles from oil & gas. This will decrease 
    pipeline wear as well as wear on downhole equipment. 6pc, 12pc or 98pc can utilize a flow-through multitube 
    design for less restriction and greater exposure of the fluid. It means more surface area for debris collection.

    Outside the tube magnet, a round metal frame installed to help remove metal particles when pull out the tube from it. This is a easy way to clean surface without manual cleaning.


    Length OD Working Temp Magnetic Field(Gauss)
    35.1” 1.14“ 120℃ 8200
    43.3“ 1..2” 120℃ 8500
    47.2” 1.26“ 120℃ 11000
    53.56 1.35” 150℃ 12000
    57.1” 1.42“ 150℃ 12600